It can be challenging to stay motivated and in a positive mood all the time. It can be especially hard if you’ve recently experienced a lot of disappointments, setbacks, or failures. These periods of low energy and lack of motivation are often referred to as slumps. They can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. It is normal to experience a slump in life. The key is being able to recognize that you’re in one, pinpoint what factors may be causing it, and take the necessary steps to get out of it. Just remember that this feeling is temporary, and you can regain your motivation and zest for life again.
Common Causes for Experiencing a Slump
There are a lot of factors that can potentially play into a slump. Some of the most common ones include:
#1.) Not getting enough sleep regularly. Poor sleep can lead to trouble focusing, poor concentration, and low energy, which can play into your ability to keep up with your daily responsibilities.
#2.) Eating poorly on a regular basis. Eating too much sugar/processed foods or not eating regularly enough can lead to drops in energy. Without the energy necessary to get through the day, it makes sense that an individual would suffer from low motivation.
#3.) Being overworked either at home or professionally. When an individual is overworked, whether in a professional or personal environment, they are often set up for failure. They are unable to devote their full attention to each task, and things can start to fall through the cracks. This can certainly lead to a slump.
#4.) The individual isn’t getting enough time to practice self-care. Self-care is essential for good mental health and without it, a person’s motivation can begin to suffer.
Getting Out of a Slump
If you think you’re currently going through a slump, consider following these steps to get out of it:
#1.) Take the time to acknowledge what you’re experiencing. Ignoring it won’t make it go away. By first acknowledging that there is a problem, you are one step closer to fixing it.
#2.) Take the time to accept how you’re feeling. Remind yourself that this is just a temporary feeling, and it will eventually pass. Accepting that you’re in a slump is not admitting defeat. It can be the beginning of getting out of o one.
#3.) Spend some time reflecting on how you’re feeling and try to figure out why you’re feeling this way. You may find you’re dealing with some emotions you weren’t even aware of, such as anger, frustration, resentment, or guilt. You may find it helpful to discuss your thoughts and emotions with a therapist or a trusted friend. If you are not comfortable doing this, you may find it helpful to do some journaling which can be a great way to get your thoughts out onto paper and begin to sort through them.
#4.) Give yourself a break if you need one. Moving at a fast pace all day long and constantly trying to keep up with multiple responsibilities can wear a person down. Consider taking a mental health day or even a week if you need it. This can allow you time to reset, recharge, and gain some motivation back.
#5.) Make a list of the things that make you happy. They can be simple things such as reading a book, having coffee with a friend, playing a certain sport, or even watching an episode of your favorite television show. Once you have this list, look at your schedule and consider different ways to work these activities into your day-to-day lives. By making sure to incorporate the things that bring you joy into your day-to-day life, you may quickly find your slump disappearing.
#6.) Practicing self-care regularly. Oftentimes, we are so busy taking care of responsibilities or even taking care of other people that we don’t take time to take care of ourselves. Try fitting self-care into your daily life, even if it is nothing more than 15 minutes or so. Self-care is doing whatever provides you with contentment and energy. It may be spending time out in nature, practicing yoga or some other kind of meditation, or doing some journaling.
#7.) Work on re-training yourself to think more positively. Try to be aware of what negative thoughts you have on a regular basis. Whenever you find yourself having these thoughts, replace them with something positive. For example, whenever you have the thought, “I can’t do this,” tell yourself, “I’m strong and capable of accomplishing hard things.”
It is very difficult, if not impossible, to stay motivated, energized, and have a positive mindset at all times. If you’re overworked, have recently experienced a particular setback, or simply haven’t been taking the time to attend to your own needs and happiness, you may find yourself in a slump. You may be simply gliding through life without really taking the time to access how you’re feeling mentally and physically. If you’re experiencing this, it is important to acknowledge the problem and spend time reflecting on how you’re feeling. It can also help to give yourself a break if you need one and consider how you can work in more activities that bring joy into your daily life. Remember that this feeling is temporary, and it will pass. At Achieve Concierge, we want to help you achieve your best possible mental health. Call (619) 393-5871 to learn more.