How to Combat Mental Health Problems While in Your Twenties

mood indicators of your mental health

In some ways, it would seem that people in their twenties have it all. They still have their youth, are less likely to have health problems, and oftentimes have fewer responsibilities. You’re still learning how to be independent and figure out life. However, being in your twenties can be a rather difficult and confusing time as well. You may be struggling with finding the right career path, building up a solid group of friends, or you may be saddled with heavy student loan debt. This is also a time when it is easy to compare yourself to others. You may look at a friend who is already married and starting a family and think that you’re behind in life because you’re not ready for that yet. Because of these challenges, it is easy to develop mental health problems while in your twenties. The key is being able to recognize when these problems are occurring and know what the right steps are to address them.

Seeking Out Like-Minded People

One of the best things you can surround yourself with during your twenties is a positive and supportive friend group. Perhaps the friends that you had growing up have moved away, and you’re not able to see them as often. Or perhaps, you’re living in a new town where you don’t know many people yet. It can be hard to know where to start when it comes to making new connections. It can help to consider what your passions are and go from there. For example, if you attend a church, they may have a young adult group that you can connect with. Or, if you’re interested in something like photography, martial arts, cooking, or a certain sport, there may be a local club that you can join to find others with similar interests. If you’re not comfortable doing this, you may also consider trying out a social app. For example, the app Bumble BFF is built to help form platonic relationships that are local to you with people you may have similar interests with. This way, you can get to know the individual before meeting them face to face.

Avoiding Comparison to Others

While this is a time in life when a comparison is a particularly easy habit to fall into, it’s important to do your best to avoid this. This is because everyone is on their own path, and while some people may seem further along in their education, career, or otherwise, you don’t know what connections or assistance they had to get there. Additionally, it is important to remember that social media is not reality. When you’re scrolling through an app like Instagram, you’re looking at a highlight reel of someone’s life. People tend not to share their bad days or hard times. While someone may appear happy and as if they have it all together on social media, they could be dealing with things behind closed doors that you know nothing about.

Practicing Stress Management

With the changes and self-growth that occur in your twenties, it can easily be a time of stress. That’s why it’s so important that you learn and establish healthy and productive stress management habits. This includes taking care of your physical health by eating nutritious meals, fitting exercise into your daily life, and getting plenty of sleep. The more you take care of your physical health, the better your mental health will be. You’ll also want to manage your stress levels by practicing self-care regularly. What self-care is exactly is dependent upon the person, but it is essentially doing anything that can help protect your mental, emotional and physical well-being. Some examples may include:

  • Practicing some form of meditation
  • Taking a break from social media
  • Spending time out in nature
  • Reading a chapter of an uplifting book
  • Practicing breathing exercises
  • Spending quality time with a loved one
  • Taking the time to cook a nutritious meal
  • Asking for help when you feel overwhelmed
  • Taking a nap

Seeking Professional Treatment

If you feel as if you have done your best to manage your stress levels and take care of your mental health but aren’t getting the results you want, it may be time to seek professional help. While this may seem scary, mental health disorders are very common, and there are many treatment options available. If you don’t know where to start, speak with your primary care physician. They can help provide any necessary diagnoses, connect you with a therapist that will meet your needs, and provide any necessary prescriptions.

You’re making the transition to being independent and still figuring out your career path. While it may seem like the twenties are some of the most fun or free years of your life, this can also be a hard and confusing time. It is normal to feel stressed or to deal with other mental health problems during this time. The key is knowing how to manage this stress and asking for help when needed. It is important to remember to avoid comparison, support yourself with only positive people, practice good stress management and self-care, and not be afraid to seek professional mental health treatment if necessary. Remember, mental health disorders are common and can be treated. At Achieve Concierge, we want to help you achieve better mental health today. Call (619) 393-5871 today to learn more about the different types of treatments that we provide.

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